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Electrical & Electronics

AGC Chemicals increased leads by 120% and shortened sales cycles by 1-2 months with Knowde.

“The Customer Service, Sales, Marketing and R&D teams communicate a lot with one another. Knowde has helped to cut down the time that we have to do our homework with the different team members. It’s a lot more straightforward and easy to understand what our customers are looking for and we can get them a solution quickly.”

Victoria Dean

Marketing & Insides Sales

AGC Chemicals

Increase in leads
1–2 months
Shortened Sales Cycle
electronics board
The Problem

Prior to using Knowde, AGC had a difficult time sourcing qualified leads for their sales team. AGC was leveraging their existing CRM system and website, and found that many of their incoming leads were either unsure what they were looking for, fishing for company information with minimal purchase intent or were just spam. When AGC did source qualified leads through cold calling or trade shows, it was difficult for sales to then bring the relevant customer information to the right internal teams to move those leads through the sales cycle efficiently. 

Digitize its product catalog
Provide customers with a self-service experience online
Icon of a diagonal line with arrowheads at both ends
Expand its ongoing digital sales and marketing initiatives
AGC Chemicals website storefront
The Solution

AGC recognized the value of Knowde and the opportunity that it brought to grow their qualified lead base. Since upgrading to a Basic subscription on Knowde, AGC has seen a 120% increase in leads. Their upgrade also unlocked additional features such as Live Conversations, which has allowed AGC’s sales and marketing teams to connect one-on-one with customers in real time. This live chat functionality has enabled customers to easily get in touch with the right AGC specialists to help them make more informed and timely purchasing decisions. This has cut down on the perpetual back and forths via phone calls and emails with customers, which has saved AGC’s sales team time and made their sales process more efficient. Customers are no longer just getting automated responses through a pop-up or a voicemail, but rather a personalized conversation that gets their questions answered in real time. As a result of using Knowde Basic, AGC has shortened their sales cycles by 1-2 months.

“The Customer Service, Sales, Marketing and R&D teams communicate a lot with one another. Knowde has helped to cut down the time that we have to do our homework with the different team members. It’s a lot more straightforward and easy to understand what our customers are looking for and we can get them a solution quickly.”

Victoria Dean

AGC Chemicals

AGC has also been able to expand into new markets with Knowde. With recent competitors pulling out of certain markets, customers are looking for new companies to purchase from. In order to find the right substitute, it’s crucial that customers can easily discover and learn about the attributes of new, different products. AGC’s storefront on Knowde enables customers to search for detailed product information in one place, and also positions AGC as a relevant and credible supplier. 

Increase in leads
1–2 months
Shortened Sales Cycle
AGC logo

Company Name

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.


Exton, PA

Company Information

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc. (AGC), a global subsidiary of AGC Inc., is a leading global supplier of high-performance material science solutions, including glass, electronic displays and chemical products.

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