Digital transformation for distributors.

Delight both your principals and your customers with a modern online experience that differentiates your brand and accelerates business growth.

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Image of a laptop computer showing a mocked-up distributor's website and text "2,420 products added to your website"

We are the masters in product master data management.

Most people identify Knowde as a marketplace, but that is not the core of our business. At our core, we are a product master data, PIM and Knowledge company.

This is why we named the company Knowde—a hybrid of “knowledge” and “graph data nodes.” Since 2017, we’ve been organizing chemical and ingredient data for distributors and suppliers.

Knowde’s objective is to digitally transform our industry—it has been since day one.

To do this, we had to solve the root of the problem holding our industry back from digital transformation: organizing and digitizing product data. Knowde helps distributors master their product data and transform their business.

Image of three stacked screenshots; top one shows product Master Data
Brenntag logo

“At Brenntag, our digital roadmap started with organizing product data. This was by far the most challenging task.”

Head shot image of Karsten Beckmann, former CEO EMEA at Brenntag

Karsten Beckmann

Former CEO EMEA at Brenntag

The road to digital transformation:

Graphic of dots moving down a line to become a series of discs, representing digitized product data
Step 1

Organize and digitize your product data.

right arrow
Composite graphic showing representations of bar, pie, and bubble graphs and a cost savings icon representing that all of this is available to a sales team
Step 2

Enable your sales team to sell every product.

right arrow
Graphic of a laptop showing icons of an Erlenmeyer flask, magnifying glass, and documents, with a mouse arrow hovering over the magnifying glass
Step 3

Empower your customers to find your products online.

right arrow
Graphic of a sphere with a lightning bolt superimposed and orbital circles with smaller dots representing clean data
Step 4

Power your business systems with clean data.

Step 1

Everything starts with organizing your product data.

As a distributor, you have thousands of products across suppliers and markets. Your product data is disorganized and spread across your organization; it’s trapped in PDFs, spreadsheets and SharePoint drives.

There’s no central source of truth. Your principals use different language to describe and categorize their product portfolios, making it nearly impossible for you to standardize yours.‍

Organizing and harmonizing all of your product data across suppliers and markets is incredibly challenging, but it’s the first step to successful digital transformation.

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Image of worldwide data from different sources, including folders, PDFs, text documents, SAP, and more, over silhouettes of the United States, France, and China to represent worldwide suppliers
Product Information Management infographic showing 
1. customer product information going through 
2. Knowde's Proprietary Knowledge Engine to be sorted into Product Master Data in a PIM, leading to 
3. PIM feeding every business system, including customer's website, marketplace, e-commerce, CRM, ERP, CMS and more
Screenshot of a mocked up distributor dashboard showing Leads, Sample Requests, and Document Requests
Step 2
Enable your sales team to sell. Every. Single. Product.

Once your PIM is ready, use it to enable your internal teams with Knowde’s sales enablement application, turning your sales team into an organic growth engine. With access to comprehensive product data, your team will better understand your entire product portfolio and provide recommendations to more effectively upsell and cross-sell customers.

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Step 3
Empower your customers to find your products online from every supplier brand.

Your PIM system can also supercharge your website with a turnkey platform that delivers an instant customer experience upgrade. Enable your customers to learn about your products, browse the entire catalog, engage with your team, or transact with you online, while easily promoting all of your principal brands in one place.

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Screenshot of a mocked-up distributor search results page
Infographic of Product Master Data in a PIM feeding other sources, including customer portal/website, sales enablement app, eCommerce, catalog, sales team, and more
Step 4
Power your business systems with clean data.

Your critical business systems like your ERP or CRM need accurate and comprehensive product data to yield real, actionable insights; feed them with clean data from a centralized PIM.

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Reverse NACD logo reading "A proud affiliate of NACD: National Association of Chemical Distributors"

Start your digital transformation by organizing your product data today!

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